Sunday, March 2, 2008


Blythe found this cat. She let it walk into her home. She named it Maynerd. It is uber friendly. She couldn't have cats. It lives here.
I am so mad at this cat. It is right now trying with all it's might to crawl into my two inch heavy think wooden blinds that don't bend. The cat is bending the blinds. The blinds have no place to move cause this desk is butted up against the wall. The cat wants to look out the window that the blinds cover. The cat is also knocking over a glass beer mug filled with pens, an electric pencil sharpener, a speaker and a lamp shaped like the eiffel tower.
The cat fell completely into the bathub when I was soaking in it last week.
The cat got out slowly and then proceeded to walk around the edge of the tub all wet. He got my book wet.
The cat makes me crazy.

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